• I would recommend coming in to get a custom glow to begin with. It’s a customized facial to fit your skin’s needs and goals. I prescribe a skin care routine as well. If i think you will benefit from another facial, I will let you know and ask if you’d like to switch or schedule it for the future.

    1. Exfoliate the night prior to your wax.

    2. Wear comfy clothing to your appointment.

    3. If you’d like, you may take advil 20 minutes before your appointment.

    1. Avoid sweating for the next 24 hours. This may cause bumps. 🚫

    2. Avoid friction. This may cause bumps. Avoid tight clothing as this causes friction as well. Cotton over lace underwear! 🚫

    3. No sexy time for the next 24 hours please and thank you. This may cause bumps. 🚫☹️

    4. Avoid saunas, hot tubs and hot baths/showers. Your skin is way too sensitive after a wax and is prone to irritation and/or bumps. 🚫

    5. After 72 hours resume exfoliating and using a hydrating oil for the area.

  • Exfoliate and hydrate! Use a bikini scrub 2-3x a week and an ingrown oil every time you come out of the shower. Vagacials help by assisting with ingrown removals and using high frequency.